Annette Lackner
Official Website of Award Winning Author, Playwright, and Poet. Coming Soon:
Wolves In The Wait
A sequel to A Jury Of One's Fears
Vestiges of Me presents the reader with a series of vivid memories—of growing up and of loved
ones past and present. In this beautifully written series of recollections the author’s love and
enthusiasm is contagious. She walks us through key events and introduces us to significant
others in a way that is delightful to read – and uplifting.
I found myself smiling throughout, particularly as she reveals her perspectives on the many
roles of womanhood, all of which are positive.
Any woman, and any man who cares about the lives of women, will be happy that the author
found her voice. Even though, as she says, some people “wanted me to disappear, liked me
better when I didn’t speak.” Toni speaks and writes movingly about being a mother AND being
an individual, about her own mother “the woman
who could conquer anything.”
This is a book I felt I could almost touch, a textured book, which touched ME deeply as a reader,
a woman and a writer.
David L. Smith, author of Jaguar Rising,
Jaguar Wind and Waves, as well as a Fine
Arts Photography Series
Mary Pierce Brosmer, author of
Women Writing for (a) Change:
A Guide for Creative Transformation
A Jury of One’s Fears
Annette Lackner has crafted a likeable main character in Gwen Hubbard, someone who is trying to escape the past but stumbling to make the right choices. Gwen is an unlikely heroine to takedown a cast of truly despicable men, but that’s what pulls the reader into the story, to hope she succeeds at all odds.
-Dee Garretson,
action and suspense author of Gone by Nightfall and All is Fair
Wolves in the Wait
There are some familiar characters, but the tale is brand new. Readers will enter a world of political intrigue with PAC’s, whistle blowers, blackmail, rogue assassins and much more. Lackner is careful to sprinkle moments of love and romance throughout this dark story to keep the light shining, just as she did in her last book. The novel is full of winding lanes and sharp turns that will lead to shocking and unexpected places. Like in A Jury of One’s Fears, there are strong heroic characters along with immoral frightening ones. Some are so desperate to hold on to their power that they will do anything.
-Laurel Chambers
poet /author of Places in the Midst
Annette (Toni) Lackner was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio where she still resides with her husband, Bud. She survived the pandemic by writing her second book, Wolves in the Wait, a sequel to A Jury of One’s Fears. She attended fiction writing class at University of Cincinnati Evening Communiversity and, is a member of Women Writing for (a) Change, where she continues to hone her writing skills. Her short story Edward's Bell won second place in a Writer's Journal fiction contest and Mrs. Silvernagel's Chrtistmas was published several years ago. A Perfect Day for a Slush, her one-act play was performed at Women Writing for a Change. Her poetry has appeared in the anthology For a Better World over the years.
Toni has three married daughters and six grandchildren. She enjoys reading and belongs to two book clubs; one fiction and one non-fiction. She has traveled extensively with her husband, although since the pandemic that has been on hold.
On March 15th, 2025 Annette will attend an Author’s Day in Brown County, Indiana.
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